Welcome to my New Mistress Website

My new mistress siteAt last! I've been wanting to change my website for some time now, in fact work for this first started way back in 2014. However, being very busy it's taken a long time to get it done. I'm very proud of it though. A massive change is that it's now mobile responsive, so you can see it so much clearer on your phone or ipad without having to "pinch it" to enlarge it. That always used to annoy me with my old website. 

New website changes

A few of the other changes on this site are:

  • Lots of photos - 84 photos of me! You can see them in my photo gallery. My old site had hardly any pics of me. These pics are nearly all photos that were taken before I dyed my hair blonde, as I mentioned this site has been in progress for some time. The blonde hair is here to stay though. I love it! heart However, I have a really good wig that looks exactly how my hair used to if anyone really wants the dark haired me, it's no problem. I do love my wigs! 
  • This blog - I wanted one for ages too and I'll try and update with bits and pieces when I can. 
  • Session reviews - my mistress session reviews are much easier to find as they're on the main navigation menu. If you want to send me a review from a session you've had with me that you want to see on my site, feel free to email me.
  • My shop - You can buy my used underwear much easier now so if you're interested worn panties, stockings, hold-ups or tights, get in contact.

My members site will eventually have a new look to it but that's going to take time, hopefully not another 4 years! 

Let me know if you have any comments/feedback/issues on my site as it's brand spanking new, I'd love to hear from you.

Miss Jessica


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